Sermon Discussion Questions

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is meant by “God’s glory”? Where do we see God’s glory in John’s gospel? Why do you think this theme is so prevalent in John’s gospel?
  2. How is beauty associated with God’s glory, especially in the context of suffering and pain?
  3. How is God’s love related to His glory? Where do we see this in John 11?
  4. According to our passage, what is the purpose of God’s glory?
  5. How did Jesus pursue God’s glory? Why is this good news for us?

Application Questions:

  1. How can you better pursue God’s glory in suffering and hardship? What questions can you ask?
  2. How are you currently prioritizing God’s glory in your own life? How can you grow here?  Give examples of what this might look like.
  3. How were you challenged by the sermon?  How were you encouraged?
  4. How might you pray for others and yourself in response to what you learned this morning in God’s word?