Sunday, February 9, 2025
Discussion Questions:
- What is meant by “God’s glory”? Where do we see God’s glory in John’s gospel? Why do you think this theme is so prevalent in John’s gospel?
- How is beauty associated with God’s glory, especially in the context of suffering and pain?
- How is God’s love related to His glory? Where do we see this in John 11?
- According to our passage, what is the purpose of God’s glory?
- How did Jesus pursue God’s glory? Why is this good news for us?
Application Questions:
- How can you better pursue God’s glory in suffering and hardship? What questions can you ask?
- How are you currently prioritizing God’s glory in your own life? How can you grow here? Give examples of what this might look like.
- How were you challenged by the sermon? How were you encouraged?
- How might you pray for others and yourself in response to what you learned this morning in God’s word?