Chris Taylor
June 5, 2024
Wednesday Night Bible Study, June 5, 2024
Series Title: Tough Texts
Text: Mark 11:12-25
Title: Ripe for Judgement
Big Idea: Where there is no fruit, there will be judgement!
–11:12-14 (Cursing of Fig Tree)
-11:15-19 (Temple Actions)
-11:20-21 (Withered Fig Tree)
- Jesus is the __________.
See John 1:14; 2:18-21; 4:21, 23
2. Without fruit, you’ll face the King’s _____________.
See Luke 13:34-35; Isaiah 56:7; Jeremiah 7:11; Matthew 7:19-20; John 15:2, 6
3. A _______________ with the King produces fruit.
- Faith – _________ the King.
- Prayer – ___________ with the King.
- Forgiveness – ____________ the King.