Wednesday Night Bible Study, July 3, 2024

Chris Taylor
July 3, 2024

Wednesday Night Bible Study, July 3, 2024

Series Title: Tough Texts

Text: Matthew 10:34-39

Title: The Matchless Worth of Jesus

Big Idea: The gospel demands a greater love and a greater sacrifice.


Vv. 34-36 – What the gospel does

Vv. 37-39 – What the gospel demands

  • (1) What the gospel does
  • (2) What the gospel demands
  1. The gospel demands a greater _______.

See Colossians 1:13-22; Romans 5:6-8

What does this greater love look like in practice?

  • Joyful _________ (John 14:15)
  • Joyful _____________ (Psalm 119:72)

(B) The gospel demands a greater __________.

What does this greater sacrifice look like in practice?

  • Sacrificial _________ (Romans 12:1)
  • A longing for __________ (Philippians 1:21)