Chris Taylor
September 19, 2021
Keltys Worship Service, September 19, 2021
Series Title: Gospel Living in a Wicked World
Text: Philippians 1:21-24
Title: The Impetus of the Christian Life
Big Idea: The driving force of the Christian life is to be with Christ, to honor Christ, and to serve others.
1. Union with Christ is _____________
2. Life is for the ___________ of Christ
3. Life is for the __________ of others
Practice Steps:
1. Practice your devotional life. Carefully and prayerfully begin reading through the Psalms.
2. Serve in a ministry.
3. Disciple a fellow believer.
4. Commit to gathering with God’s church every Lord’s Day.
Discussion Questions:
1. Are you able to say Philippians 1:21 with Paul? What is the evidence of this in your own life?
2. What fruitful labor for King Jesus are you currently involved in? How can you grow here?
3. How are you seeking to put the needs of others in the church before your own? How can you grow here?
Going Deeper Questions:
4. What enabled Paul to speak of death as gain (vs. 21)?
5. What, if anything, is currently preventing you from embracing Paul’s mindset in Philippians 1:21-24?
6. Why is being with Christ far better?