Chris Taylor
September 18, 2022
Keltys Worship Service, September 18, 2022
Series Title: Rescue: The Glory of God in Exodus
Text: Exodus 20:16
Title: Kingdom Rules: Tell No Lies!
Big Idea: Our approach to truth reveals who we belong to.
1. What is the 9th Commandment getting at?
See Proverbs 12:22; 25:18; 19:9
- Lying is more than just the telling of an untruth. It includes things like slander, gossip, flattery, and exaggerating the truth.
2. Why do we lie?
- Sadly, we often peddle lies either to make ourselves look _______ or to bring others ______.
- What does a lying tongue reveal?
See John 8:44
3. Why must the church champion the truth?
- Those who have been united to Christ (who is the Truth) by the Spirit of Truth are empowered to speak the truth.
See Colossians 3:16; 2 Cor. 5:20
4. How does the 9th Commandment point us to Jesus?
“He who never lied hung on the cross as a liar. When God looks at you and me, He sees the perfect righteousness of Christ’s truth-keeping.”—Skip Ryan
Discussion Questions:
1. What lies have you told recently and why?
2. What lies have you believed? How can you be on guard against listening to lies?
3. Why do we lie?
4. What are the evidences in your own life that you champion the truth? How can you grow here? How are you currently seeking to cultivate truth-telling in the home?
5. What is the most dangerous and damning lie we tell ourselves?
6. Why is it so important that the church be committed to speaking truthfully?