Chris Taylor
September 12, 2021
Keltys Worship Service, September 12, 2021
Series Title: Gospel Living in a Wicked World
Text: Philippians 1:18b-20
Title: Gospel Vision
Big Idea: The gospel produces in God’s church an eternal perspective that helps us to persevere in the present.
According to Philippians 1:18b-20, what is to mark God’s church because of the gospel?
1. ___________
2. ____________
3. _____________
Discussion Questions:
1. Is Christ’s honor and glory your ultimate concern? What is the evidence of this in your own life?
2. Are you regularly hoping in eternal glory—life forever with God in HIs heavenly Kingdom? Is this the primary grounds for your joy?
3. Are you regularly praying for fellow believers and taking advantage of the Spirit’s help by getting into God’s word? How can you grow here?
Going Deeper Questions:
1. How is Christ currently being honored in your body? How can you grow here?
2. What have we learned about joy so far in Paul’s letter to the Philippians? How does joy differ from happiness?
3. How does Philippians 1:18b-20 challenge you to think and live differently?