Chris Taylor
October 3, 2021
Keltys Worship Service, October 3, 2021
Series Title: Gospel Living in a Wicked World
Title: Citizens Together of God’s Kingdom
Text: Philippians 1:27-30
Big Idea: The church lives, stands, and strives together as a Kingdom people to advance the gospel!
1. God’s Kingdom people ________ together!
2. God’s Kingdom people _________ together!
3. God’s Kingdom people ____________ together!
4. The church is called to live together, stand together, and strive together for the advancement of the gospel in the face of opposition and ___________________.
The benefits of suffering for the sake of Jesus in Paul’s own life:
- Gospel __________________ (1:12-13)
- _________________ for God’s people (1:14)
- Deepening _______________ on the Lord (4:11-13)
Discussion Questions:
1. In vs. 27, Paul uses a verb in the original Greek that can be translated as, “live as citizens.” Vs. 27 can therefore be read as, “Only [live as citizens] in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” What citizenship is Paul referring to here? See 3:20-21. What are some things that mark a healthy kingdom, and how might we apply this to the church? How does this image of “citizenship” affect the way you think about the church?
2. In the second half of vs. 27, Paul lays out specifically what living as citizens in a manner worthy of the gospel entails. He says that we are to stand firm in one Spirit and strive side by side with one mind for the faith of the gospel. What might it look like for us to stand and strive together? What is assumed about the church with the two prepositional phrases, “in one Spirit” and “with one mind?”
3. The language of “side by side” assumes close proximity with God’s people? How can you do a better job of incorporating the local church into your daily life?
Digging Deeper Questions:
4. Read John 17:20-21. What are the implications of gospel unity in God’s church?
5. In vv. 28-30, we learn that both salvation and suffering are from God. According to Paul in Philippians, what are some of the benefits of suffering? See also 2 Corinthians 1:3-7.
6. Why do we need the church when facing opposition and suffering? How have you come alongside brothers and sisters in Christ when they’ve dealt with suffering?
7. How can you do a better job of advancing the gospel both inside the church and outside the church with God’s people at Keltys?