Chris Taylor
October 2, 2022
Keltys Worship Service, October 2, 2022
Series Title: Rescue: God’s Glory in Exodus
Text: Exodus 20:18-21
Title: A Fear that Fends off Sin
Big Idea: The key to overcoming sin is awe before the Almighty.
Vs. 18 – The People of Israel Behold the Glory of God
Vs. 19 – The People of Israel Speak to Moses
Vs. 20 – Moses Speaks to the People
Vs. 21 – The People of Israel stand far off, while Moses draws near to God
1. What is this fear?
See Psalm 145:19-20; Deut. 6:1-5; Ecclesiastes 12:13; Deut. 6:13, 10:12
2. What does it do?
Practice Steps:
- Spend time in the _______.
- _______ the Lord.
3. What does it call for?
A __________!
4. How do we grow in it?
Practice Steps:
- Do _________!
- Preach the ________ to yourself daily!
- Sit under the ___________ of God’s word.
5. How does our passage point to Jesus and the gospel?
- Jesus is the Greater _________!
See 1 Timothy 2:5; John 14:6; 1 John 2:1-2
- Jesus is the __________ Son of God!
See 2 Cor. 5:21
- Jesus is the _________ of the Holy Spirit!
See John 16:7
Some Diagnostic Questions:
1. Are you most concerned with loving and obeying Jesus?
2. Do you fear dishonoring and offending the Lord?
3. Have you called out to Jesus for help? Have you looked to Him as your Mediator to make you right with God?
Discussion Questions:
1. What’s the difference between a right fear of the Lord and a wrong fear of the Lord?
2. What is the evidence for a right fear of the Lord, and what is the evidence for a wrong fear of the Lord?
3. What is Israel requesting of Moses in vs. 19?
4. What does it mean that Jesus is our Mediator? What allows for Jesus to serve as our Mediator?
5. How does the fear of the Lord work to fend off sin?
6. How can you grow in the fear of the Lord?