Chris Taylor
November 7, 2021
Keltys Worship Service, November 7, 2021
Series Title: Gospel Living in a Wicked World
Text: Philippians 2:19-24
Title: Imitation Part I
Big Idea: Look to godly examples in the church that embody the word of God.
1. Like Timothy, may we be genuinely ______________ about others.
Practice Step:
2. Like Timothy, may we be more concerned about seeking the _____________ of Christ than our own.
Practice Step:
3. Like Timothy, may we serve with others in the church to _____________ the gospel.
Practice Step:
Discussion Questions:
1. How are you currently demonstrating genuine concern for fellow believers? How can you grow here?
2. In vs. 21, what does it mean to seek the interests of Jesus Christ? Give several examples. How are you currently doing this?
3. How are you serving with others in the church to advance the gospel? How can you grow here?
Digging Deeper Questions:
4. Who are you an example to right now? What kind of example are you to them?
5. Are you currently able to say to others in the church, “Follow me as a I follow Christ”? Why or why not?
6. Who are some godly examples in the church that are helping you to better follow Christ. Express your gratitude to them, and be sure to thank the Lord for such examples.