Chris Taylor
November 27, 2022
Keltys Worship Service, November 27, 2022
Text: Psalm 34
Title: The Song of the Saved
Big Idea: Those who are rescued by God practice thanksgiving.
1. The rescued _______ and __________ the Lord (vv. 1-7).
2. The rescued are __________ in the Lord (vv. 8-10).
3. The rescued ________ others (vv. 11-14).
4. The rescued are ____________ to ______ differently (vv. 5, 13-14).
5. The rescued ___________ and ________ the promises of God (vv. 15-22).
- How might we summarize these promises? and (2) What do they teach us about God?
Vv. 15, 17 – The Lord hears and responds to the cries of His people. God is ___________.
Vv. 16, 21 – Those who oppose God will be judged. God is ______.
Vs. 18 – The Lord is with His people. God is ___________.
Vv. 19, 22 – The Lord delivers and vindicates His people. God is _______ and faithful to _____.
- How does Psalm 34 point to Christ and the Gospel?
- In Jesus, the teacher par excellence has come (vv. 11-14).
- Those who look to Christ are transformed to live differently (vv. 5, 13-14).
- Jesus is the righteous sufferer vindicated by the Father (vv. 19-20).
- Those who call out in faith to Christ for forgiveness will be saved (vv. 4, 6).
- How might we prayerfully apply Psalm 34?
Vs. 1 – Father, you are worthy of my forever praise, for you are eternal. Help me to praise you individually and corporately with your people. May my life bring you praise always.
Vs. 6 – Lord, in my brokenness and desperation I called out to you for mercy and forgiveness. You heard and you answered. In Christ I am saved. I am forgiven. You have rescued me from the greatest plight—eternal separation from you due to my sin. Continue to lead me not into temptation and to deliver me from evil.
Vs. 8 – None can satisfy like you, O God. You provide true and lasting satisfaction for my soul. Help me to daily enjoy sweet fellowship with you through prayer and time in your Word. May my hunger for you surpass my hunger for all other things. Use me to invite others to taste your goodness and take refuge in the finished work of Christ Jesus.
Vs. 9 – Father, there is none like you. In you I have all that I need. Help me to be on guard against awe misplacement. Help me to keep you on the throne of my heart at all times, for you alone are worthy. I thank you that in you I have no lack. You are my everything and provide me with everything that I need.
Vs. 11 – Father, help me to faithfully teach your people your Word. Give me the grace and the strength to teach others—my wife, my children and your people the great truths of your Word. Use me to fix the eyes of your people on your unmatched glory and goodness.
Vv. 13-14 – Father, help me to daily turn from evil and to turn to you. May my words and actions be in keeping with your Word. Help me to help others to do the same, even when it’s hard.