Chris Taylor
November 12, 2023
Keltys Worship Service, November 12, 2023
Series Title: Behold and Believe
Text: John 3:9-15
Title: Look to Jesus
Big Idea: The message of the Cross is the Spirit’s means of bringing about the new birth. Preach it boldly!
1. A more _________ diagnosis (vv. 9-12)
2. The _________ proclaimed is the Lord’s awesome means of bringing about the new birth (vv. 13-15)
Discussion Questions:
1. What do we learn about mankind’s spiritual condition in vv. 9-12?
2. According to John 3:1-15, what’s the new birth? What are the 3Ps of the new birth, and what does the new birth teach us about God and salvation?
3. What’s the relationship between the “new birth” and the Cross?
4. What’s significant about the word “must” in vs. 14? What does it teach us about the Cross?
5. How has our passage informed your view and understanding of God?
Application Questions:
1. How might you use this passage to share the gospel with an unbelieving friend?
2. How might you prayerfully apply John 3:9-15? When you pray, it’s helpful to think about the acronym ACTS. Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. How might you prayerfully work through our passage using this guide?
3. According to our passage, why must we be committed to sharing the gospel with others?
Digging Deeper Questions:
1. Where does the title, “Son of Man” come from and what does it teach us about Jesus?
2. How does Jesus use the events of Numbers 21 to describe His mission and what it would provide?
3. The language of the Son of Man being “lifted up” carries a double meaning. What is it, and what does it teach us about the Cross?