Chris Taylor
November 10, 2024
Keltys Worship Service, November 10, 2024
Series Title: Behold and Believe
Text: John 8:48-59
Title: Jesus is the Greatest!
Big Idea: Those who trust in Jesus belong to God’s family and will enjoy eternal life.
What makes Jesus the Greatest?
1. Jesus __________ His Father (vs. 49)
2. The Father seeks Jesus’ ________ (vv. 50, 54)
3. Jesus’ ________ leads to eternal life (vs. 51)
4. Jesus knows the Father and _________ His word (vs. 55)
5. ___________ spoke of Jesus (vs. 56)
6. Jesus is “___ ______” (vs. 58)
How does one become a part of Abraham’s family?
– _________ in Jesus.
Discussion Questions:
1. According to Jesus, what is the evidence that he doesn’t have a demon?
2. How does vs. 50 serve as a warning to Jesus’ opponents?
3. What is being promised in vs. 51?
4. How would you answer the question posed in vs. 53, and how would you use our passage to answer it?
5. Why is it significant that Jesus perfectly kept the word of God? Why is this good news for us?
6. What is the main point Jesus is making in vs. 56?
7. What is the background for Jesus’ claim in vs. 58, and why did this greatly anger the Jews opposed to Jesus?
Application Questions:
1. What does it mean to keep Jesus’ word? Give several examples.
2. How are you seeking to glorify God in your own life? How can you grow here?
3. How does vs. 56 challenge you in your reading of the Old Testament?
4. According to our passage, how does someone become a part of God’s family?
5. According to our passage, what qualifies Jesus to be the Greatest?
6. How might you prayerfully apply our passage this week?