Chris Taylor
May 7, 2023
Keltys Worship Service, May 7, 2023
Text: Ephesians 6:5-9
Title: The Gospel in the Workplace
Big Idea: The Gospel transforms the way we work
Two big questions:
1. How should Spirit-filled employees relate to their employers in response to the Gospel?
2. How should Spirit-filled employers relate to their employees in response to the Gospel?
1. Spirit-filled employees must do their work respectfully, _______________, sincerely, and as to the ______.
- What are the implications of working this way?
1. ________ for Jesus – Matthew 5:16
2. ________ the Gospel – 1 Peter 3:15
3. _________ and honor the King – Colossians 3:23-24
2. Spirit-filled employers must _______ their employees like ________ and for His glory!
Discussion Questions:
- How has the gospel impacted the way you both think about work and do work?
- How does today’s passage convict you? Where do you need to repent?
- What does it mean to change your audience as it pertains to your work? How does this bring joy and accountability to your work?
- Do you look for opportunities to minster the Gospel at work? Do you view the workplace as a mission field?
- Do you do your work for the glory of God? What might this look like?
- What might it look like for Christian employers to lead well? Where should they look?