Chris Taylor
May 22, 2022
Keltys Worship Service, May 22, 2022
Series Title: Rescue: The Glory of God in Exodus
Text: Exodus 7-11
Title: Salvation through Judgement
Big Idea: Christ is good news for hard hearts!
- The Purpose of the Plagues and the First Sign – Exodus 7:1-13
- The First Plague: Water Turned to Blood – Exodus 7:14-25
- The Second Plague: Frogs – Exodus 8:1-15
- The Third Plague: Gnats – Exodus 8:16-19
- The Fourth Plague: Flies – Exodus 8:20-32
- The Fifth Plague: Egyptian Livestock Die – Exodus 9:1-7
- The Sixth Plague: Boils – Exodus 9:8-12
- The Seventh Plague: Hail – Exodus 9:13-35
- The Eighth Plague: Locusts – Exodus 10:1-20
- The Ninth Plague: Darkness – Exodus 10:21-29
- The Final Plague Promised – Exodus 11:1-10
1. The Purpose of the Plagues
A. The Plagues and the ____________ of God
Practice Step: __________ the Lord!
B. Salvation through ____________
C. ______________
2. A Hard Heart
Practice Step: ________ the Lord!
3. How does Exodus 7-11 point to Jesus?
Practice Step: ______ to Jesus!
Discussion Questions:
1. What’s the purpose of the plagues?
2. What do the plagues reveal about God?
3. How does Exodus 7-11 point to Jesus and the gospel?
4. How should believers respond to these chapters?
5. What’s one thing you can share with a fellow believer from this week’s text?
6. What’s one thing you can share with an unbeliever from this week’s text?