Chris Taylor
May 15, 2022
Keltys Worship Service, May 15, 2022 (Graduate Sunday)
Series Title: Rescue: The Glory of God in Exodus
Text: Exodus 5-6
Title: Dangerous Dialogue!
Big Idea: In response to doubt and dereliction God shows Himself faithful.
A Quick Outline of Exodus 5-6
- Moses and Aaron dialogue with Pharaoh – 5:1-5
- Pharaoh increases Israel’s workload and suffering – 5:6-14
- Israel responds to Pharaoh – 5:15-19
- Israel responds to Moses and Aaron – 5:20-21
- Moses speaks to the Lord – 5:22-23
- The Lord speaks to Moses, reminding Him of His awesome promises – 6:1-8
- Moses relays God’s message to Israel – 6:9
- The Lord dialogues with Moses, and Moses is reluctant – 6:10-13
- The Genealogy of Moses and Aaron – 6:14-27
- The Lord dialogues with Moses, and Moses is reluctant – 6:28-30
1. Pharaoh’s response
What’s the takeaway?
- Unlike Pharaoh, get off the _______ and acknowledge God as the true _______.
2. Israel’s response
What’s the takeaway?
- When distressed, go to the Lord first in _________.
- Honor your _________ and trust the Lord no matter what.
- Build on good solid __________.
3. Moses’ response
What’s the takeaway here?
- In the storms of life, be sure to hold on to the __________ of God.
- The importance of _____________! Keep remembering, “He is the Lord!”
4. God’s response
How does the Lord respond?
- He points to His ___________ and His ________ (His promises).
How does Exodus 5-6 point to Jesus?
Discussion Questions:
1. What do we learn from Pharaoh’s response?
2. What do we learn from Israel’s response?
3. What do we learn from Moses’ response?
4. What do we learn from God’s response?
5. How does Exodus 5-6 point to Jesus and the gospel?
6. What was your biggest takeaway from the sermon? How might today’s text inform the way you pray this week?