Keltys Worship Service, March 23, 2025

Chris Taylor
March 23, 2025

Keltys Worship Service, March 23, 2025

Pastor Chris Taylor

Series Title: Behold and Believe

Text: John 11:45-57

Title: What Are We To Do?

Big Idea: One man’s death for the sins of the world.

1. What are we to do? (vv. 45-47)

2. Why do so many not do it? (vs. 48)

3. Why do it? (vv. 49-53)

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why did many of the Jews believe in Jesus?
  2. Why did the Pharisees decide against trusting in Jesus?
  3. Why did the Pharisees wish to kill Jesus?  What did they hope to accomplish?
  4. According to our passage, what would Jesus’ death accomplish?
  5. According to our passage, who would Jesus’ death be for?
  6. What is ironic about our passage?
  7. What’s significant about the mention of Jesus going out Into the wilderness?  What well-known Old Testament event might this have recalled?
  8. What’s significant about the mention of the Passover?

Application Questions:

  1. What does it mean to believe in Jesus?
  2. If someone asked you why you trust in Jesus, what would you say?
  3. What did Jesus accomplish for you on the Cross?
  4. How might you use this passage to share the gospel with an unbelieving friend?
  5. How should this passage affect the way you view missions?  Take some time to pray for our missionaries today.
  6. How else might you prayerfully apply what you learned in this passage?