Chris Taylor
January 7, 2024
Keltys Worship Service, January 7, 2024
Pastor Chris Taylor
Series Title: Behold and Believe
Text: John 3:31-36
Title: Jesus is the Greatest!
Big Idea: Jesus must increase and we must decrease, because He is above all!
Why must Jesus increase?
1. His ___________
2. His ________
3. His ___________
4. His ________
5. His prestige and __________
6. His ______
Discussion Questions:
- What’s the relationship between John 3:30 and John 3:31-36?
- Up to this point, how has John’s gospel demonstrated that Jesus is above all? Give examples.
- Why is it significant that Jesus is from above? How does this uniquely qualify Him?
- According to our passage, why should we listen to Jesus’ words?
- What was the role of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ life and ministry?
- What does John the beloved disciple mean when he says that the Father has given all things into [Jesus’] hand?
Digging Deeper Questions:
- Why is vs. 32 so tragic and ironic given what we see in vs. 31?
- Up to this point, where have we seen warnings of God’s judgment in John’s gospel? What is this judgement related to?
Application Questions:
- What is the evidence in your own life that you believe that Jesus truly utters the words of God? How can you grow here?
- How might you use John 3:36 to share the gospel with an unbeliever?
- In light of our passage, how would you answer the following question, “Why should Jesus increase and we become less?”
- How might you prayerfully apply what you learned in John 3:31-36?