Keltys Worship Service, January 30, 2022

Chris Taylor
January 30, 2022

Keltys Worship Service, January 30, 2022

Series Title: Gospel Living in a Wicked World

Text: Philippians 4:1

Title: Stand Firm!

Big Idea: In order to stand firm we must continually come under the King’s word with the King’s people in the power of the Spirit of the King.  

1. We stand firm with the __________.

How does Paul describe the church in our passage?

  • We must see the church as _________.
  • We must ________ the church. 
  • We must ________ for the church.
  • We must find _________ in the church.
  • We must seek to ___________ the church for King Jesus.

2. We stand firm in the ________.

  • 1:27 standing firm in one spirit
  • 4:1 stand firm thus in the Lord

Discussion Questions:

  • What do we learn about Paul’s relationship with the church in 4:1?  How can you grow in imitating Paul here?  
  • What are some evidences in your own life that you love the church, long for the church, and find joy you in the church?
  • What does it mean to stand firm in the Lord, and how does this command fit with what we’ve already seen in Paul’s letter beginning in Philippians 1:27? 
  • How are you seeking to stand firm in the Lord?  How can you grow here?
  • If married, how are you seeking to prepare your spouse for King Jesus?  If a parent, how are you seeking to prepare your children for King Jesus?  How are you seeking to prepare fellow church members for King Jesus?  How can you grow in these areas?