Chris Taylor
January 14, 2024
Keltys Worship Service, January 14, 2024
Pastor Chris Taylor
Series Title: Behold and Believe
Text: John 4:1-6
Title: Jesus, the God-Man!
Big Idea: Jesus became human to show us what it means to be human and to bring humanity to God.
1. What are the implications of Jesus’ humanity for mankind?
2. Why was it necessary for Jesus to become human?
A. For Representative Obedience
B. To be a Substitute Sacrifice
C. To be the One Mediator Between God and Men
D. To Fulfill God’s Original Purpose for Man to Rule Over Creation
E. To be our Example and Pattern in Life
F. To be the Pattern for Our Redeemed Bodies
G. To Sympathize as our High Priest
Discussion Questions:
- What are the implications of Jesus’ humanity for mankind?
- What evidence do we find in John’s gospel for the humanity of Jesus?
- How would you define the hypostatic union to a friend?
- According to Scripture, why was it necessary for Jesus to become truly human? Of the things mentioned in the sermon, which one stood out to you the most and why?
Digging Deeper Questions:
- How might you use this doctrine to engage someone who is pro-choice?
- What’s the relationship between John 3:31-36 and John 4:1-6?
Application Questions:
- How does knowing that Jesus is truly human affect the way you think about Him?
- How does this doctrine affect the way you pray?
- How does knowing that Jesus can relate to us as humans encourage you?
- What are you most thankful for regarding the humanity of Jesus?