Keltys Worship Service, January 12, 2025

Chris Taylor
January 12, 2025

Keltys Worship Service, January 12, 2025

Pastor Chris Taylor

Series Title: Behold and Believe

Text: John 10:7-10

Title: Life Abundant

Big Idea: Jesus provides and guarantees abundant life for His sheep.   

1. The _______

See Psalm 118:20; Matthew 7:14; John 14:6

2. The _________

See John 10:1; Ezekiel 34:3-5; Ephesians 4:11-14; Acts 20:28-31

3. The ___________

See Psalm 23; Philippians 1:21; 4:11-13

4. The ____________

See Ephesians 2:1; Ephesians 1:3

6 Blessings found in Christ:

A. A new _______

See 2 Corinthians 5:17 

B. A new ________

See Romans 5:1 

C. A new ______

See Colossians 1:13 

D. A new __________

See Romans 12:5

E. A new ________

See Ezekiel 36:26-27 

F. A new ________

See 1 John 3:2

Discussion Questions: 

1. What does Jesus mean when He says that He is the door of the sheep?  How does this image encourage you?

2. Who or what does the Lord give us to help protect us against false teachers?  How are you taking advantage of these gifts?  How can you grow here?

3. What is promised in vs. 9?  What is being conveyed by the image of going in and out and finding pasture?  What does this look like in the Christian life?

4. What is the purpose of the Shepherd’s coming?  What is meant by “life abundantly”?

Application Questions:

1. How might you use this passage to share the gospel with an unbelieving friend?

2. Jesus promises a life of spiritual flourishing for His sheep.  How are you currently experiencing this?  How can you grow here?

3. What are some things you can do to lay hold of the abundant life found in Christ?  What are some bible verses you can commit to memory that address this abundant life?

4. How can you help other Christians lay hold of the abundant life that is ours in Christ?

5. How does our passage today challenge you to pray for the church?  

6. What are 1-2 application steps you plan to take this week in response to today’s sermon?