Keltys Worship Service, February 5, 2023

Chris Taylor
February 5, 2023

Keltys Worship Service, February 5, 2023

Series Title: Rescue: The Glory of God in Exodus

Text: Exodus 26

Title: A Return to Eden

Big Idea: God takes the initiative to dwell with His people.

The Tabernacle

1. What is it?


2. What is its purpose?

  • Divine ________ Place
  • Place of _____________
  • ___________________
  • Diagnosis and ______________

3. What does it teach us about God?

A. God is _______. 

B. God takes the ___________. 

C. God desires __________ with His people. 

D. God provides a _______ for fellowship with His people. 

4. How does it point to Jesus and the Gospel?

  • A. The Lord _________ down. 
  • B. God ________, God conquers, and God _________ in fellowship with His people.

Genesis 1-2


The gospels

Revelation 21

  • C. The curtain is ______.

Three practice steps: _________, rest, and __________.