Chris Taylor
February 25, 2024
Keltys Worship Service, February 25, 2024
Pastor Chris Taylor
Text: Mark 14:32-38
Title: Pray Like Jesus
Big Idea: Those who pray like Jesus pray for God’s will, pray the Scriptures, and pray in the face of temptation.
1. Prayer is how we express our ______________ to God’s will.
Jesus’ prayer acknowledges two great truths about the Father.
- All things are __________ for God.
See Jeremiah 32:17; Luke 1:37
2. Our prayers must be __________.
- God’s _______ is supreme.
See James 4:15; John 4:34; Psalm 143:10; 1 John 5:14; Romans 12:2
Practice Steps: Follow Jesus’ example when you pray!
- Acknowledge your ____________ with God.
- Acknowledge that God is all-powerful and _____________.
- Acknowledge and ____________ to His _______.
3. Prayer is how we ____________ amidst temptation.
See Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16; Mark 6:46