Chris Taylor
August 28, 2022
Keltys Worship Service, August 28, 2022
Series Title: Rescue: The Glory of God in Exodus
Text: Exodus 20:13
Title: Kingdom Rules: A Crime against the Glory of God
Big Idea: Value life and proclaim new life in Christ!
1. Why is murder wrong?
- Murder is a ________ against God.
2. Where does murder come from?
- Murder is the result of ignoring the first half of the 10 Commandments.
3. Does the Bible speak of justifiable killing?
4. How does the 6th Commandment relate to abortion?
See Psalm 139:13, 15; 1 Samuel 2:6
5. How does Jesus transform the 6th Commandment?
See Matthew 5:21-22; Mark 7:20-21
6. How do we honor the 6th Commandment?
- _______ for the unborn!
- ___________ the lost!
- _________, seek reconciliation, and trust the Lord!
- Examine your _________!
Discussion Questions:
1. Why is murder wrong?
2. How does Jesus help us to better understand the 6th Commandment?
3. Where do you struggle with the 6th Commandment? How are you making war on your sin?
4. What challenged you most from the sermon?