Chris Taylor
August 15, 2021
Keltys Worship Service, August 15, 2021
Series Title: Gospel Living in a Wicked World!
Text: Philippians 1:6-8
Title: Gospel Gratitude
Big Idea: In Christ we have much to be thankful for!
- Gratitude for God’s sovereignty in salvation (right doctrine)
Practice Step:
- Gratitude for fruit in gospel ministry (allegiance)
Practice Step:
- Gratitude for Christian love (affection)
Practice Step:
Discussion Questions:
- Are you being held up and encouraged by sound biblical doctrine? How can you grow here?
- How does vs. 6 encourage you?
- What is the evidence of vs. 6 in your own life?
- Do you long to fellowship with the body of Christ? Why or why not?
- Do you share Christ’s affection for fellow believers? How can you grow here? Why is this so important?