Chris Taylor
April 7, 2024
Keltys Worship Service, April 7, 2024
Pastor Chris Taylor
Text: John 5:17-18
Title: A Staggering Claim
Big Idea: The Son of God came to reveal God, make a way to God, and make us children of God.
1. Jesus is ______.
2. Jesus came to show us what God is _______.
3. Jesus came to make the ______ to God.
4. Jesus came to make us _____________ of God.
Discussion Questions:
- What evidence do we have in our passage that Jesus is God?
- What do we learn about God from Jesus in our passage?
- How has Jesus made the way to God?
- How does one become a child of God, and what does this entail?
Digging Deeper Question:
- What work did Jesus come to accomplish? How are the Father and the Spirit involved in that work?
Application Questions:
- How does knowing that Jesus is God personally encourage you?
- How are you seeking to grow in your understanding of what God is like?
- Who can you tell this week about why Jesus came?
- What are some of the evidences in your own life that you are a child of God? How can you grow here?
- Are you about the Lord’s business? What might this look like?
- How can you prayerfully apply this week’s passage?