Keltys Worship Service, April 10, 2022

Chris Taylor
April 10, 2022

Keltys Worship Service, April 10, 2022

Series Title: Rescue: The Glory of God in Exodus

Text: Exodus 1-2

Title: The God who Sees and Acts

Big Idea: God Sees Our Suffering and Saves!

The Structure of Exodus

Exodus 1-19Why worship and serve the Lord?

  • Exodus 19.5-6Mission as the proper response to the Lord’s salvation.

Exodus 20-40How to worship and serve the Lord?  

What is Exodus about?

Big Idea – Rescued for Relationship and God’s glory

Major Themes

  • God is _________ to His people. 
  • God __________ Himself to people.


  • God __________ His people for worship and mission.
  • God is __________ and powerful.
  • God is __________ amongst His people.
  • God is __________ and merciful.

How does Exodus point to Jesus and the Gospel?  

  • New ________
  • New _________
  • New __________
  • New ____________

What is going on in Exodus 1-2?

  • We have the beginnings of the ______________ of God’s promises to Abraham (1:7).
  • God’s promises to Abraham are ______________ (1:8-22).
  • God provides a ________ (2:1-15).
  • God remembers His ____________ to Abraham (2:23-25).

Practice Steps:

  • God is faithful and sovereign—________ Him!  
  • God hears us—________!  
  • God acts on behalf of His people—________ Him!  

Discussion Questions:

1. What are you most looking forward to in our study of Exodus?

2. How would you summarize the book?

3. How does the end of Genesis prepare us for the Exodus event?

4. How is Moses foreshadowed as God’s appointed rescuer in Exodus 2?

5. What does it mean that God remembered His covenant in Exodus 2:23-25?

6. What do the opening chapters of Exodus teach us about God, and how do the point to Christ?