Keltys Easter Worship Service, April 9, 2023

Chris Taylor
April 9, 2023

Keltys Easter Worship Service, April 9, 2023

Text: The Book of Romans

Title: The Resurrection of Jesus According to Romans

Big Idea: Those who trust in the Risen Savior have a new King, enjoy a new verdict, get new power, can rest in their new hope, and participate in a new vocation.

1. The resurrection means a new _______.

Romans 1:1-4

2. The resurrection means a new _________.

Romans 4:25

3. The resurrection means new _________.

Romans 6:1-4

4. The resurrection means new ________.

Romans 8:11, 18-25

5. The resurrection means a new ____________.

Romans 10:14-15