July 26, 2018
Keltys 101 Session 1
Session 1 of the Keltys 101 Membership class.
Session 1 of the Keltys 101 Membership class.
This is a video telling about the work of Missions in Peru by the Poulin family.
Announcements video from July 8, 2018.
Announcements video from July 1, 2018.
Wednesday night sermon series from the book of Habakkuk by Intern Wesley Burke. Habakkuk 1:1-3:1
This is the baptism of David Lara on May 27, 2018.
This is the baptism of Katie Vandergriff on May 27, 2018.
This is the baptism of Cheyenne West on May 27, 2018.
These are the baptisms of Steve and Amy Donahoe on May 27, 2018.
Galatians 1:6-10