January Man Camp
Our next Man Camp will be on Friday, January 20 @ 6pm. “Overcoming Anger” will be the theme. We will meet on Friday night for this Man Camp. Register here or scan the QR code.
Youth DNow
Mettlen Drop and Go Baby Shower
We will have a drop and go Baby Shower for Daniel and Sarah Mettlen on Sunday, February 2. There will be a table set up in the foyer that day. Celebrate the birth of their new baby boy, Carter by bringing diapers (sizes 2 and up), wipes, and gift cards.
Lord’s Supper Service
Our next Lord’s Supper Service will be next Sunday night, January 26 at 5pm. Join us as we remember what our Lord has done for us.
Member’s Meeting
Our next Member’s Meeting will be Sunday night, February 2 at 5pm. We will be giving ministry updates, as well as other family matters. All members are encouraged to attend.
MOYA (Mother’s of Young Arrows)
Our MOYA ministry will meet on Monday, January 6 at 9:15am. This is for moms with children ages birth through Kindergarten. We will meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Monday from 9:15am-11:30am for Bible study, breakfast, and fellowship. Childcare will be provided. We are looking for more childcare volunteers. Contact Janet Cruz or Haley Taylor for more information.
Keltys Young Adult Ministry
KYAM will not meet this Tuesday, November 26 to allow you time with families during the Thanksgiving break. We will resume on Tuesday, December 3.
Burgers, Bros & Basketball
Do you enjoy basketball and food? Then plan to come to this outreach event. Our next meeting will be this Thursday, November 7. The place and time have changed. We will meet at Grace Dunn Park (200 Mott Rd.) at 6:30pm. Invite your friends to join us for our next meeting.
Church Bus Drivers Needed
We need your help. We are often looking for someone to drive different groups in our church bus. In order to drive our bus, you must be a church member and must have at least a class B CDL driver’s license WITH a P-Passenger endorsement. If you are qualified and would be willing to drive our church bus from time to time, please contact Lanelle in the church office. She will inform you on how to be placed on the insurance to drive the bus. Thank you for helping with this great ministry.
One-On-One Discipleship
Are you interested in one-on-one discipleship? If so, go to the Member Information Desk for more info and sign up to either lead or receive one-on-one discipleship.
Nursery Volunteers Needed
If you would like to volunteer in the nursery, please contact our nursery directory, Tammy Hawthorne at tammy@keltys.org, or call (936) 404-7509.