Vandergriff Bridal Shower

There will be a bridal shower honoring Grace Vandergriff and Dillon Hall on Sunday, March 23 at 3pm in the Fellowship Hall. Scan the QR code for their registry. They are also registered on Amazon or would appreciate Walmart or Target gift cards.
Youth S.N.A.C

The youth will have fellowship on Sunday night, March 30. All youth families are invited to join us at Freddy’s (dutch treat) following our Lord’s Supper Service.
Easter Candy Needed

Good Friday Communion Service
Our annual Good Friday Communion Service will be Friday night, April 18 at 6:30pm. Plan to join us for this special worship service.
Two Easter Services
We will have two worship services for Easter Sunday, April 20 to accommodate our large crowds. Sunday School will be dismissed.
The schedule will be as follows:
9:00am: 1st Worship Service
10:00am: Fellowship Time
10:30am 2nd Worship Service
Would you consider attending one service & serving in our nursery during the other? Please see Emily Saucedo or Pastor Aaron to serve.
Parenting Sunday School Class

Eternal Principles for Everyday Parenting is a parenting Sunday school class beginning March 2. Designed for parents of any aged children, we’ll answer such questions as:
What is the best method of parenting? What are the greatest commandments of parenting? Why is my child so angry? Do I have a child-centered home or a God-centered home? The class & resources are free, but sign up is required:
Youth Fuge Camp 2025

Sign Up Now! Join us for an unforgettable week at FUGE Camp, June 16-20! This is an incredible opportunity for students to grow in their faith, build lasting friendships, and have a blast. For all camp details and to sign up, visit If you have any questions, reach out to Youth Director Coby Harvison.
Save the Date For Children’s Camp

If your child will complete any grade 3-6, they are welcome to join us at Carolina Creek Camp this June 22-25 (Sun-Wed). The cost is $300 per child, scholarships are available, and online registration will open soon. More details TBA. Contact Pastor Aaron with questions!

Vacation Bible School will be July 21-25 from 6-8pm. The theme this year is Dangerous Journey, Part 2. Be sure to save the date. More information to come soon.
Counseling Training
Get better equipped in using God’s word to help others. Join us Thursdays @1PM. We read & discuss books and resources for biblical counseling. We begin a new book this Thursday, February 13th. Contact Pastor Aaron with your interest or questions.
MOYA (Mother’s of Young Arrows)

MOYA is for moms with children ages birth through Kindergarten. We will meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Monday from 9:15am-11:30am for Bible study, breakfast, and fellowship. Childcare is provided. We are looking for more childcare volunteers. Contact Janet Cruz or Haley Taylor for more information.
Keltys Young Adult Ministry

The Keltys Young Adult Ministry (KYAM) meets each Tuesday at 6:30pm in the home of Aaron & Anita Wilson. Any high school graduate, college student, or young adult in their twenties are invited to join us for fellowship & Bible study.
Nursing Mother’s Room Available

Did you know we now have a new cry room available for our nursing mothers and fussy babies? Located on the far left side of Fellowship Hall, the room provides 3 rocker-gliders, blankets, a changing table, and a live stream of the worship service! Mothers, please help yourself!
Church Bus Drivers Needed

We need your help. We are often looking for someone to drive different groups in our church bus. In order to drive our bus, you must be a church member and must have at least a class B CDL driver’s license WITH a P-Passenger endorsement. If you are qualified and would be willing to drive our church bus from time to time, please contact Lanelle in the church office. She will inform you on how to be placed on the insurance to drive the bus. Thank you for helping with this great ministry.
One-On-One Discipleship

Are you interested in one-on-one discipleship? If so, go to the Member Information Desk for more info and sign up to either lead or receive one-on-one discipleship.
Nursery Volunteers Needed

If you would like to volunteer in the nursery, please contact our nursery directory, Emily Saucedo at