Keltys Worship Service, March 2, 2025

Chris Taylor
March 2, 2025

Keltys Worship Service, March 2, 2025

Pastor Chris Taylor

Series Title: Behold and Believe

Text: John 11:17-27

Title: The Resurrection and the Life

Big Idea: Jesus came to bring peace to our pain and to provide life where death formerly reigned.  

How does Jesus bring peace to our pain?

1. His ____________ 

2. His ___________

3. His ___________ 

4. His _________ 

What do we learn from Martha’s faith in our passage?

1. It’s ____________

2. It’s not based on ____________ 

3. It’s ________

Discussion Questions:

1. Which of the first four points stood out to you the most, and why?

2. What do we learn about Martha’s faith in our passage?

3. Review the “I AM” sayings of Jesus seen in John’s gospel up to this point (see John 6:35; John 8:12; John 10:9; John 10:11).  What do these sayings teach us about Jesus’ identity (who He is) and His mission (what He came to do)?

4. What is being promised in vv. 25-26?

Application Questions:

1. How are you seeking to grow in your own faith?  How can you help fellow believers grow in their faith?

2. How has the Lord brought peace to your pain?  How has this passage challenged you to face suffering and hardship differently?

3. How does knowing that believers have access to the resurrection power of Christ affect the way you view personal sin struggles?  How does it encourage you?  

4. What was your biggest takeaway from the sermon?

5. How might you prayerfully apply what you learned from today’s passage?