Chris Taylor
October 27, 2024
Keltys Worship Service, October 27, 2024
Series Title: Behold and Believe
Text: John 8:39-47
Title: Who’s Your Father?
Big Idea: Only those who have trusted in the Son are able to call God, Father.
Two Groups
1. Those who belong to God:
a. ______ Jesus (vs. 42)
b. Receive Jesus’ _______ (vs. 43)
c. ______ in Jesus (vv. 45-46)
2. Those who don’t belong to God:
a. Do the _______ of the devil (vs. 41)
b. Don’t ______ Jesus (vs. 42)
c. Hate Jesus’ ________ (vv. 43, 47)
d. Are committed to the devil’s _______ (vs. 44)
e. Don’t ________ in Jesus (vv. 45-46)
3. What qualifies Jesus to be the determining factor for whether or not one belongs to God?
a. He ________ from God (vs. 40)
b. He _______ from God (vs. 42)
c. He was _______ by God (vs. 42)
d. He __________ the truth (vs. 45)
e. He’s _________ (vs. 46)