Chris Taylor
July 17, 2022
Keltys Worship Service, July 17, 2022
Series Title: Rescue: The Glory of God in Exodus
Text: Exodus 19
Title: Chosen from the World and for the World
Big Idea: God rescues His people to rescue others, resemble Him, and enjoy a relationship with Him.
- Exodus 19:1-15 – God’s Call
1. God _________ His people.
2. God’s rescued people are a ________________ people.
3. God’s rescued people are to be a ________ people.
4. God’s rescued people are to be ________ people.
Exodus 19:16-25 – God’s character
1. God is _______.
- Be _______!
2. God is __________.
- _______ God and ________ to Him!
3. God is ___________.
- ____________ the Lord!