Put Off & Put On

The following material was a helpful resource to me in presenting the Put Off/Put On principles during this morning’s message. 

Here, Robert Kellemen quotes David Needham giving a simple illustration of what this process looks like:

Speaking of Romans 6, Ephesians 4, and Colossians 3, David Needham explains the relationship between our co-crucifixion and co-resurrection with Christ and our need to put off and put on.

It was as though Paul saw a believer standing before two wardrobes; one contained the clothing (lifestyle) of an unregenerate person. “Take them off,” Paul urged. “They don’t fit, they’re out of style, totally unbecoming of who you are, and, if that were not enough, they don’t belong to you.” The other contained the clothing (lifestyle) of a regenerate person. “They’re yours!” Paul exclaimed. “Wear them. Don’t worry, they’ll fit!” (Needham, Birthright, p. 299).

Needham is simply paraphrasing God. “In the same way, count yourself dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Romans 6:11). Putting off the old you builds upon the reality that the old you is already deceased. Putting on the new you builds upon the reality that the new you is already alive to God through your union with Christ.

Read more here:https://rpmministries.org/…/christian-do-you-know-who…/