Send resume, references, and recent sermons to dave@keltys.org.
Job Description
Pastor of Youth and Missions
Keltys First Baptist Church (KFBC)
Salary Range: No less than $50,000, not to exceed $60,000
Objective: The Pastor of Youth and Missions will oversee the church’s youth and outreach ministries.
The responsibility of the youth pastor will include overseeing the youth ministry of students in 7th through 12th grades.. The goals of this ministry are to teach students God’s word, equip parents to be the primary disciplers in their homes, connect students with other believers in the body of Christ, and provide a biblical and robust environment where discipleship occurs. Youth responsibilities are estimated to occupy 75% of the full-time ministry load.
The responsibility of the missions pastor will include developing and maintaining mutually edifying relationships with all local, national, and international mission partners and engaging the church body in local and global outreach. Missions responsibilities are estimated to occupy 25% of the full-time ministry load.
I. Qualifications for Pastoral Positions at KFBC:
- Must have a clear testimony of faith in Christ, demonstrating the fruit of theSpirit, and be progressing in sanctification.
- Must possess the desire and aspiration for pastoral ministry (1 Timothy 3:1).
- Must meet the elder qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:2-7, 1 Peter 5:1-4, and Titus1:6-9.
- Must be gifted and/or trained in administration.
- Must agree with both the BMAA and SBTC Doctrinal Statement and churchcovenant.
- Must be willing to work alongside all other ministries.
- Must be committed to the youth and missions ministries of KFBC, and the overallvision and pastoral direction.
II. Specific Requirements:
- Excellent communication and organization.
- Ability to facilitate meetings on an agenda.
- Ability to work with people and reach out to those in need.
- Able to function well within a plurality of elders in an elder-led church.
- Meet weekly with elders.
- A Masters degree is preferred, but not required. However, they must be willing topursue additional education.
Revised February 24, 2022
III. Job Duties
A. Youth Ministry
- Teach, organize and oversee the weekly youth worship service (currently meeting on Wednesday nights).
- Plan monthly (as needed) youth events that do one, or all, of the following:
- Evangelism: Reaching the lost (winning events).
- Edification: Build up the body (group bonding and buildingevents).
- Equiping the saints (help youth connect and serve).
- Plan, direct and implement key youth outings such as camps, DNOW, retreats, mission trips, etc.
- Provide counsel to youth and parents as needed, and coordinate any long term counseling with the pastor of counseling.
- Provide biblical training for parents to be the primary disciplers in their homes.
- Train, organize, communicate to, and maintain volunteers as needed.
- Oversee the youth room “Sky Deck” and fill all needs/supplies related.
- Oversee and organize discipleship of all youth.
- Develop and train clear male leadership to disciple males and clear femaleleadership to disciple females within the youth ministry.
- Develop, plan, maintain, and communicate protection policies andguidelines for youth functions, trips, and outings.
- Develop,maintain, and be accountable to a financial budget for thisministry.
- Work on development of both junior high and senior high ministry.
- Oversee, train, and provide teachers for Sunday School classes.
- Integrate youth into the life of the local body.
B. Missions:
- Local Outreach
- Weekly evangelism, visitation, follow up with new guests.
- Training church members in evangelism
- Manage, schedule and oversee local outreach ministryopportunities: gospel outreach events, service projects for local mission partners, etc., and provide opportunities for the local body to be involved in these ministries.
- Local, National, International Missions
Revised February 24, 2022
- Manage, schedule and oversee national and international outreach opportunities and mission trips and provide opportunities for the local body to be involved in these ministries.
- Maintain correspondence with current mission partners: local, national, international.
- Evaluating application and relationships with new mission partners for support.
3. Budget
- Oversee and evaluate annual giving to mission partners.
- Create budget for local and distant outreach events and missiontrips. This budget may include personal fundraising from participating individuals.